Kattis Project Generator

I’m just your average software nerd who loves competing on Kattis.com. But let me tell you, there was this one thing that used to bug the heck out of me: setting up code templates for every new challenge. It was like déjà vu with every problem. So, I put my coding skills to good use and created a Yeoman generator that does all the heavy lifting for Kattis problems. I whipped up a Yeoman generator, tailor-made for Kattis tasks.
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Personal Chatbot

Building Chatbot Brilliance At Perficient, my journey into the world of chatbot development began. But it’s not just about answering questions; it’s about crafting conversations that feel like you’re chatting with a real person. Some queries require real-time data from our vast website, making it a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. So, I embarked on a chatbot project that aimed higher than the usual Q&A. It aimed to replicate genuine human interactions.
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Quiplash Clone

This project was inspired by the game Quiplash made by Jackbox Games. It has a Java Spring backend to store all of the game data on the server. The frontend consists of Angular/Vue to act as frontend where the data is either displayed or gathered from the user. Currently the frontend makes polling calls to the backend for updates on things such as the game phase when waiting on another player to complete a task.
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Runescape Grandexchange Scraper

Summary When I was an avid Runescape player I enjoyed the idea of making gold off of “flipping” which was very similar to the way the stock market works. This interest intersected with my love for AI, ML, and programming in general. I decided to make a tool to make this easier with a custom GUI and a predictive AI in the background. The first step was to create a web scraper sending rest requests to the Runescape API for item prices and store in the database for record keeping.
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This Website This website is written with Hugo using the terminal theme with some custom html/css added. I chose Hugo to write this because this site is static so no need to overcomplicate it with something like Angular or React. I originally had a totally custom website hosted at https://yodigi7.github.io/portfolio but I found out about Hugo recently and decided to use this as a learning opportunity. It will allow me to easily add additional projects as I make them by just creating a new .
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